Cranio-Modular Therapy

Cranio-Modular Therapy At first glance, you would certainly associate pain in the jaw joint with the teeth or primarily with dentistry. But most people don’t know that there are numerous reasons for pain in the jaw muscles and the jaw joint and even more importantly: that this pain can be treated within the framework of appropriate physiotherapy for craniomandibular dysfunction, CMD for short. CMD treatment at the physiotherapist Deficits and pain in the mechanics of the jaw joint can have very different causes; they are located, among other things, in the area of the sensitive soft-tissue anatomy. However, these structures can – and this is the good news – almost always be corrected or “fixed” through targeted training. From a medical point of view, the methods of professional physiotherapy are of great importance in the successful treatment of CMD.

The jaw is a sticking point: Craniomandibular dysfunction Disorders and pain in the jaw joint and in the jaw muscles have very different causes. Targeted training and physiotherapy can bring about a real improvement in the symptoms of craniomandibular dysfunction and even remedy deficits in the jaw. Professional physiotherapy is therefore a real option for painful CMD (craniomandibular dysfunction). Craniomandibular dysfunction is a disorder of the masticatory system that is often associated with jaw misalignments. This can often lead to pain in the head area. Since humans react to malpositions in a complex way, the causes and consequences of a malposition can be found throughout the body.

Typical symptoms in this context are:

• Unilateral or bilateral headache or chewing pain
• Teeth grinding and cracking in the jaw (joint)
• Neck and shoulder tension
• Back pain
• Hardening in the cheek
• Tinnitus
• Dizziness
• Decreased mouth opening

In all cases of CMD, a constructive cooperation between dentist and physiotherapist is absolutely advisable, not only to ensure a mutual exchange of information, but also to achieve the best possible therapeutic result for TMD patients.